Monday, May 16, 2016

How can we make SFI more attractive for new affiliates? Let's brainstorm!

Lawal S
Silver Fast-Track
Posts: 756 | Followers: 344 | Joined SFI: May 6, 2013
We need to clarify a few things - which, as I see now, cause a false presumption in a large number of new affiliates.
1. Make sure to advise them that it is not, and will never be a requirement to make a financial investment to participate. They can do that whenever they want, but only in case they personally feel the benefit of doing so.
2. Let them know that by exclusively focusing on collecting personal VPs, they will never make a significant income. Their primary goal should be to make direct commissions via sales from their store, TripleClicks.

While consciously targeting their goals to making a significant income rather than deal with petty matters, they will feel to be at the best place to realize their dreams.
Attila F
Silver Fast-Track
Posts: 615 | Followers: 233 | Joined SFI: Oct 19, 2014
We can make SFI more attractive for new affiliates by telling them that this is a great opportunity for home business - available for everyone with computer and internet connection.
Here everyone decides - how will work, how many hours on day will work, where will work, whether to invest and how much - (we have an opportunity for a small investment of money to get a lot - other businesses does not have that opportunity).
With other word - FREEDOM - SFI gives everyone freedom on choice, and we can choose from six different ways on earning - everyone chooses the way that best can do.
With SFI wouldn't earn only everyone that will give up.

LaunchPad lessons, Compensation Plan, The Plan, Rules of Success, are just few from many other articles, training lessons and support that SFI provides us for free, easy to use and easy available.
In my opinion we should tell and show this to every new affiliate, and everyone who wants to work and will see the opportunity in this will be a potential diamond we all looking for.

All the best.

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